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Forum on International Education, Inheritance and Promotion of Acupuncture Successfully Held in Turkey

[WFAS News] On November 14-17, 2019, the World Acupuncture International Symposium on Acupuncture 2019 was grandly held in Antalya, Turkey. During this international seminar, the World Federation Acupuncture and Moxibution of  Education Working Committee, Heritage Working Committee and Free Consultation Working Committee co-hosted a sub-forum with the theme of International Education, Inheritance and Promotion of Acupuncture, 11 experts from the three working committees, Made a series of academic reports on the education and training of acupuncture in China, the United States, Austria and other countries, the research and inheritance of acupuncture techniques, the spread and popularization of acupuncture in traditional Chinese medicine, and acupuncture treatment for common diseases, and conducted in-depth academic exchanges. And explore. The sub-forums were chaired by Professor Gerhard Litscher of Austria, Director Chen Decheng of the United States, Professor Wang hua Zhong, and Professor Zhang Wei.

1. 梁慎平.png

Dr. Liang, Shenping

2. 王华.png

Dr. Wang, Hua


Dr. Wu, Binjiang


Dr. Chang, Xiaorong

5. Gerhard Litscher.png

Dr. Gerhard Litscher


Dr. Liang, Fengxia


Dr. Chen, Luquan


Dr. Chen, Decheng


Dr. Zhang, Wei


Dr. Luo, Bidan


Dr. Liu, Mi

12. Gerhard Litscher教授与陈德成主任主持风采.png

Dr. Gerhard Litscher and Dr. Decheng Chen


13. 与会专家代表团合影.png

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