















Sincerely Erica F.

New York, NY





Sept 5, 2006


Dear Dr. Chen,


This letter is to thank you for your great work in bringing my "fibromyalgia" symptoms under control using acupuncture and Chinese herbs.


When I first came to see you in March of this year I was experiencing extreme fatigue, weakness in my legs and severe problems with balance. I had been experiencing chronic fatigue for many years due to fibromyalgia, but during the winter of 1995-1996 the fatigue became much worse and I also began to find walking increasingly difficult. After receiving treatments from you my walking improved tremendously; my legs became stronger balance was greatly improved. Soon I also began to experience a lifting of the terrible fatigue that had been so severely affecting me. I noticed that I was able to do more and was much more alert and relaxed, and less hypersensitive to weather changes. And I no longer feared that I would fall on the streets.


These days I have returned to many of the activities that I used to enjoy but had to abandon, such as reading for hours at a time and walking around the city. I have also begun taking art classes, something I had wanted to do for a long time but was unable to because of my fatigue and difficulty focusing. Now I am able to function well in class, and I don't feel exhausted afterwards.


Fibromyalgia is a long-term chronic condition, but I feel that I have now found an effective way to manage its symptoms and lead a fulfilling life. I'd like to recommend that persons with fibromyalgia or other chronic conditions use acupuncture and Chinese herbs, either as adjunct therapy or as the main therapy of choice. For my condition, it is the only therapy that has ever substantially helped.


Sincerely Erica F.

New York, NY




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