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Dr. Chen Decheng's Chinese Medicine Acupuncture Studio settled in Jilin Province Shang Medical Hall Medical Co., Ltd.

At the invitation of Guan Fengyuan, Chairman of the Board of TCM of Sang Yi Tang Medical Group, Dr. Chen Decheng was established in the TCM and Acupuncture Studio in Jilin Province. Shang Yi Tang. Traditional Chinese Medicine Group is a Chinese medicine industry that is jointly developed by Sinopharm Ginseng and listed pharmaceutical companies. We are a special support fund for Chinese medicine, "Shang Yi Tang" Chinese Medicine Hospital, "Shang Medical Hall" Chinese Medicine Hospital, "Shang Yi Tang" Chinese Medicine Doctors Group, "Shang Yi Tang" Internet Doctor-patient Interactive Platform, "Shang Yi Tang" Chinese medicine industry base, Chinese medicine culture inheritance, Chinese medicine inquiry and certification trace system, "Shang Yi Tang" Chinese medicine health base eight-in-one Chinese medicine industry group covering the whole country.





On March 11, 2018, at the invitation of Shang Yi Tang Traditional Chinese Medicine Group Co., Ltd., a public welfare class publicity campaign for Chinese medicine acupuncture was held at the headquarters of Changchun Shang Yi Tang. Most of the medical institutions of the Chinese medicine group participated in this public welfare activity. Employees, as well as patients who came here, after the lecture, and on-site doctor Dr. Chen Decheng on-site treatment of a female patient with a lumbar disc herniation for more than 10 years, the results were effective on the spot, and the patients and the personnel present were all amazed and shocked.


before treatment she has not bent waist for 10 years


after treatment her hands all the way reach to the floor immiduetly 

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