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Acupuncture for Eczema

Acupuncture for Eczema


I could not be more grateful nor happier in choosing Dr. Decheng Chen as my acupuncturist located at 1 West 34th Street, Rm 903 for a severe case of eczema. I could only painfully walk from the curb to his office so swollen were my feet and lower legs on my first visit in surgery shoes. Within 5 days of starting his treatment (daily drinking herbs and 2 acupuncture treatments), I was able to wear my own shoes and walk pain-free. I had systemic rashes, great hair loss (after 3 doses of Prednizone), severe pain, inflamation of my hands and feet and eczema on my hands, legs and feet when I started my treatments. Within 3 months most of my skin had healed. After 5 months of treatment, I am almost completely free of my eczema which became severe 8 months ago. Dr. Chen and his staff are incredibly nurturing and accommodating to one suffering such as I have been (and to all their clients). You wouldn't know to look at me now what I have been through.



Patient Name is Lani Evon


June 20, 2014


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