Acupuncture for infertility in New York City,Acupuncture in Long Island New York,Chinese Acupuncture for infertility in New York City and Long Island City NY.
Best Acupuncture for infertility in NYC(New York City), best Acupuncture in Long Island New York.

Sinusitis /Headache /Pregnancy aid

Sinusitis /Headache /Pregnancy aid


Brooklyn , NY Dec 2008


I have had a long history with sinus problems and headaches, and when I first came to see Dr. Chen I was also still rehabilitating a back injury from a car accident a few years prior. In the time I spent coming to Dr. Chen for acupuncture, he was able to help me completely recover from my back injury, and reduce my headaches and sinus problems almost completely.


I also was seeing him in the year prior to becoming pregnant with our first child, and with his thoughtful help we were able to quickly conceive our lovely baby girl. I have recommended him to absolutely everybody who has asked if know anyone who does acupuncture - Dr. Chen is a real master, and even friends who have experienced acupuncture elsewhere testify that they have never felt as if they had had it done right until meeting Dr. Chen. I heartily recommend him to anyone considering acupuncture and herbalism to supplement their medical regimen.


Very truly 

Amy E.

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